Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Burning Acidus

First up, I'm going to start a series talking about our new Burning Empires game. I first received this system as an ENnies entry in 2005 and have been dying to start a regular game since. Thanks to the group I play with on Skype, that has finally happened.

Last night we got together and burned up Acidus, the world we're going to be playing on, and I want to chronicle that here a little bit. We'll be playing mostly via Google Wave, with conflicts resolved via Skype. I think Burning Empires is an excellent game for this kind of set up, and I will be taking advantage of the text-based nature of the game to post detailed write-up and recaps here.

The next few posts are going to detail the world and major characters in it. Once we get a few maneuvers under our belts I'll go ahead and post details of those here as well.

Let me know what you think, or if this is going to be at all valuable to anyone. It's my hope that this can serve as a bit of a review, inspiration, or maybe even a primer for those who are unfamiliar with the game.

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