Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Legends fall

As we watch our legends fall,
We see the light they've brought.
The dragons slain,
Princesses saved,
The darkness that they fought.

And here we stand alone at last,
On lonely mountain top.
Dreaming dreams,
Telling tales,
Our quest will never stop.

We will meet in darkened taverns,
Fight and drink and win.
Sally forth,
Down shadowed trails,
Blazed by greater men.

So come with me my boon companions,
Let us fight in his brave name.
Swing your swords,
Sling spells and dice,
Adventure, laugh, and game.

Your loss will be felt world-wide,
Mourned in homes, offices and schools
We will prevail,
The darkness fall,
Because you taught us the rules.

By Jeramy Ware, March 4, 2008
For E. Gary Gygax.
July 27, 1938 - March 4, 2008

To me nothing seems more fitting than the first Dungeon Master should pass on GM's day. Now the day will truly have meaning.

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